phone answering

Before you tell the world that you are selling your own home, you should think about what telephone number to use in your advertising. Do you want to receive calls about the house at your current phone number at any time, day or night?
Consider that when a call comes in about your home there should not be any annoying background noise, (loud TV, crying children, barking dog, etc) so you can handle the conversation without distraction. Besides, when the phone rings, it may not be an opportune time for you to field the call.

A second phone line that is answered by voice mail can solve the problem. Use that dedicated number in all your Internet postings, ads and signs. Calls will be answered by a message where you describe the major features of your house and politely ask the caller to leave a name and number if he or she is interested in making an appointment to view your home.

Check your messages regularly during the day and evenings and return calls as soon as possible. When people leave a number, they expect to hear back promptly. Keep your recorded message to two minutes or less. When selling your own home, write out everything you like about your home, and then work the most appealing features into your message. You can say a lot in less than two minutes, without sounding like a chipmunk.

Having phone calls answered by a voice mail eliminates wasting your time with callers who realize from the recording that your home is not what they are looking for. As well, you will not be jarred from sleep by that thoughtless person who happened to see your Selling Your Own Home ad after he got home late at night.